Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jumping on the Bandwagon

It was a long and hard jump. I really had to prepare for it. I've tried to start before and turned away. This time I just literally jumped! Right onto the bandwagon. Everybody else is doing it, or so it seems. I have started a blog.

I am not sure if it will be good or if anyone will even want to read it. I have no experience as a writer and sometimes don't feel that I have much to contribute at all. I am the shy girl, now a woman, who usually just smiles and nods when others talk. I never feel that I have anything of value to add to conversations. I worry too much about what people will think about what I say. I see people out and about that I know or have met and rarely ever make the effort to talk to them. I always assume people will not remember they know me. I don't think I leave an impression or an impact, if that makes sense.

I am gradually coming out of it, though. I am starting to build a little confidence. I am beginning to see that I have some value and something to contribute to society. I can honestly say that a lot of it has to do with my relationship with God. A lot has changed in my life over the last few months. The biggest of all is me letting go. I have finally learned to trust enough that I can give it to God. He is all that matters. I pray daily for Him to give me strength to be the person I feel He wants me to be. I can feel the benefits in every aspect of my life.

So, before I go into this big thing about God, I am going to stop for now. This blog is just a place for me to talk and express myself in a non-threatening environment. My hope is that it can help me process things in my life. If it happens to help someone else, than that is awesome!

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